New Holland T7.170 - 6.7 - 171-BHP (2011 - 2013) | ECU Remap | DSG/TCU Tuning | Chip Tuning | DPF Solution | EGR Solution - Quantum Tuning
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New Holland - T7.170 - 6.7 - 171-BHP (2011 - 2013) -

ECU Remapping | TCU Tuning | Chip Tuning Files | DSG Tuning | Certified Tuner

The graph above is an automated template to show the difference between original and tuned power and torque
Vehicle Picture
Vehicle: Tractor
Manufacturer: New Holland
Range: T7
Model: T7.170 - 6.7 - 171-BHP (2011 - 2013)

Power (BHP)

Original Tuned Difference Increase
171 195 +24 14%

Torque (NM)

Original Tuned Difference Increase
741 816 +75 10%
Info: 120,000 miles are less desirable to tune, and performance gains cannot always be guaranteed